Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Future Casting

One of the most challenging lessons learned during coaching school was to live in the present. In our everyday lives, ‘future casting,’ or worrying what lies ahead is pretty common. We all play the game of “what if,” which can be really dangerous and bring added anxiety to our lives.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Opportunity Or Obstacle

Earlier this week, I had the great pleasure of presenting an Opportunity or Obstacle workshop to a great group of leaders who are eager to positively influence change within and for those that they work with.

They did it! They were, present, fully engaged, and because they accepted the growth challenge, they now have a few new tools and skills to simplify their day!

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

How Can Coaching Help YOU

There I was, standing in line at the coffee shop, passing the time by chatting with another person in line. She asked me what I did and I told her I was a life development coach. She was instantly intrigued and I could see a look of bewilderment on her face.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Responding Versus Reacting

We all have bad days at work, often due to outside factors, and we know it can cause us to be more upset about something that happens during our day than if we’d been in a good mood.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

It's Fine, I'm Fine (*I'm Lying*)

Have you gotten comfortable with stifling your voice into the It’s fine or I’m fine mantra and don’t even remember how to speak up anymore?

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

How To Crush Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is something you believe to be true about yourself, about others, or about the world that limits you in some way. Our thoughts control our actions or our inactions, like in the instance of learning and growing.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

How To Un-Friend Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not your friend. You might be thinking, “well…duh, I know that.” You know this to be true, but do you believe it to be true? Self doubt tends to grow and grow until it impacts our thoughts and decisions at every turn.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

How Fear Can Stop You From Trying Something New And Unknown

Fear is our natural response to real and imagined danger and can arise from many sources. Many times, it is a result of allowing our imagination to run away with all the disastrous things that could or might happen especially if we try something new or treading into unknown territory.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Energy Leadership™

Change affects us everywhere and in everything we live for. Today, the security we seek from the various aspects of our lives is no longer guaranteed on any level

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Unlocking Your Next Level Energy

The Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is an attitudinal assessment that describes how you approach projects, tasks, and situations under optimal and stressful situations.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment

The Energy Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities.

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Kathy Moore Kathy Moore

Become The Ideal Leader

The Energy Leadership Development System is firmly rooted in 7 levels of awareness, which will catapult your energy and performance to a level that is perceived by all those around you as the "ideal" for your role.

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