How Fear Can Stop You From Trying Something New And Unknown

Fear is our natural response to real and imagined danger and can arise from many sources. Many times, it is a result of allowing our imagination to run away with all the disastrous things that could or might happen especially if we try something new or treading into unknown territory.

Our natural impulse is to make it go away in some way or to avoid it. It is like the fight or flight response. Fear, like the fight or flight, is a natural instinct that has been placed within us to protect us from danger. This instinct is a chemical reaction in our brain to where we either run from a situation or we fight something. How often in life do we allow fear to grip us so tightly that it holds us down and keeps us from branching out and trying new things? Important things like taking a class, asking for a raise, going on an adventure, launching a new business or speaking up in a difficult situation. There is an old saying, “what you resist persists.” The more you suppress or numb your fear the stronger it holds onto you. At times our lives can be filled with fears and we give up on our dreams and live in the safe zone.

Ask yourself, why does this fear have a hold on me? Go deep.

The only way through fear is to go through it. It is to face it. Facing it gives way to new ideas and thoughts to move forward.

Facing it can be done in a multitude of ways, one being journaling. Journaling is an excellent way to do a brain dump of what your fear is and why.

This helps you change your of control thoughts. If you want to talk about fear in a deeper way, let’s connect.


How To Un-Friend Self-Doubt


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