How To Un-Friend Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not your friend. You might be thinking, “well…duh, I know that.” You know this to be true, but do you believe it to be true? Self doubt tends to grow and grow until it impacts our thoughts and decisions at every turn.

Those thoughts that say…

“I’m not good enough.”

“I can’t become a doctor.”

“I can’t play football.”

“I can’t run a mile, let alone run a marathon.”

“You don’t know what I’ve done in my past? I can’t be saved.”

“I can’t be loved.”

Does this sound familiar? Maybe this will ring a bell.

“I will never be as smart as so ‘n so, or as pretty as so ‘n so.”

These thoughts are so easy to succumb to. Do you find yourself feeling stuck in a vicious cycle of thoughts like these? Maybe these invading thoughts are holding you back making decision, speaking up for yourself, or even going after your dreams and aspirations. Are these thoughts keeping you stuck right where you are? Are you your biggest critic?

I would say that most of us have dreams and aspirations. When you invite self-doubt in, you spend weeks, months, maybe even years clinging to the same doubting choices that don’t serve you. It can be extremely frustrating to feel stuck in this cycle. But it is important to remember to take a deep breath and know that we are all a masterpiece in the process of being refined.

You’re not alone. These ridiculing thoughts torment so many of us. This voice that tells us we’re not good enough, we don’t have the right background, education, looks, and so on and so on. Just like that, self-doubt can snatch the glimmer of hope and desire for a new path from us. It steals our joy.

Don’t let self-doubt steal your joy. Self-doubt is not your friend; so don’t invite it in to invade your thoughts, actions or inactions.

Every dream starts small. It begins with a single step. All it takes are consistent actionable steps to move from where you are to where you want to be. Yes, forward moving actions can lead you to the next level, even if those actions seem small. Those small steps, over time, will build upon each other. Within a few weeks, those small steps taken each day will stack upon one another, moving you in the direction you want to go. [1% each day]

Each morning before you start your day, ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do today to move me in the direction of my goals?” Maybe it’s writing down your goals and crystalizing what they really are. Maybe it’s talking with your boss about your career desires and goals. Or maybe it’s just simply writing down what brings you joy and chasing after it.

Each day, build upon the previous day. I believe these small conscious choices can have a profound impact on your life. Want to learn more? Let’s talk.


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