How To Crush Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is something you believe to be true about yourself, about others, or about the world that limits you in some way.

Our thoughts control our actions or our inactions, like in the instance of learning and growing.

Limiting Beliefs may hold you back from taking chances, keep you from opportunities placed along your path, prevent you from accepting gifts and lessons offered to you, or having a deeper relationship with others both personally and professionally.

Have you ever found yourself believing any version of the following about yourself?

I am not worthy of a raise or I am not worthy of getting ahead financially…

I am not smart to go back to school or be on that project at work because…

I am not good enough to be on that committee…

I am not a very good spouse, son, daughter, friend, co-worker…

I don’t deserve to be happy because of my past…

How often as a parent, wife, husband, son, daughter, do we find these limiting beliefs invading our thoughts and then impacting what insights and learning are offered to us from each other?

Even though these limiting beliefs may not be true or accurate in any way we allow our thoughts to believe limits to be true to us. Limiting beliefs not only make you feel bad about yourself, but they hinder your relationships with others and force you to live under your potential.

Becoming aware of what limiting beliefs are holding us back is the first step to moving us through them and opening the door to unimaginable potential.

The next step in changing these beliefs is to trust yourself, trust your abilities, trust you can do this and that you will figure it out.

Identify them one by one as beliefs not as truths, creating awareness that they are just beliefs and not true for you. And they don’t have to hold you back or limit your options in life.

This shift in your thoughts, and seeing these as beliefs as untruths, can start off by replacing you old limiting beliefs with new empowering ones.

Remove the word not and say I AM! Let’s connect if you are ready to crush those limiting beliefs.


It's Fine, I'm Fine (*I'm Lying*)


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