How Can Coaching Help YOU

There I was, standing in line at the coffee shop, passing the time by chatting with another person in line. She asked me what I did and I told her I was a leadership development coach. She was instantly intrigued and I could see a look of bewilderment on her face.

“Oh, what do you coach?” she asked.

This is such a common response when I tell people I’m a coach. Obviously, it’s a word associated with sports, so they think it must be something in that realm or people hear coach and think executive coach in a corporate setting.

I love getting these types of questions because it gives me the opportunity to share about this growing profession and how it can help people shift from where they are to where they want to go by using innovative techniques that offer new possibilities.

I told my new friend that my style of coaching is very similar to the way a sports or executive coach works because I train people to be at their best.

Just like a sports coach holds their players accountable, as do I, with my clients. For the sports coach, the goal might be more touchdowns or team communication and for me it might be helping someone attain a promotion or run their team more effectively. We are all in the big game of life.

Simply put, coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. This could be in the form of reaching career goals, life goals, managing stress better, overcoming obstacles with more confidence, dealing with life transitions, etc.

Who is a good candidate to hire a life coach? Really anyone!

But, especially those feeling unfulfilled in their work or in their life, someone seeking better balance, someone wanting to improve personal or business relationships, someone striving to overcome self-limiting behavior or someone that feels stuck.

It’s an investment in yourself.

Coaches use tools and techniques to focus on solutions and remove the stuck or overwhelming feelings blocking change. Plus, they are non-judgmental, listeners capable of thinking outside the box.

If you are ready to take action in creating a personal change formula that works for you, schedule a meet and greet with me and we will take a closer look at what fun, inspiring and purposeful ways you can reach the results you want and deserve. It’s time for you to lead a happy life and enjoy the work you do!


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