Future Casting

One of the most challenging lessons learned during coaching school was to live in the present. In our everyday lives, ‘future casting,’ or worrying what lies ahead is pretty common. We all play the game of “what if,” which can be really dangerous and bring added anxiety to our lives.

I’ve been guilty of this lately, as you probably have too, with thoughts like…

What if someone I love gets sick?
What if something happens if my husband loses his job?
What if there is a nationwide shutdown?
What if clients stop hiring me to coach them?

When we get too lost in these thoughts, we jump into the land of unknowns and miss out on the gift of the present.

Fishing is one of my favorite hobbies. You know why? I am very focused on the present moment. It’s usually very early in the morning, the world is quiet, and sometimes if I’m lucky I even catch the sun rising. I know why I’m out on the lake and that is to catch fish. My focus is on the line, waiting for that tug, ready to reel it in and see what’s on the other end. It’s exciting, peaceful and keeps me centered.

There are many benefits to living and functioning in the present moment.

Our minds create all kinds of stories that may never come true and our own thoughts tend to be far worse than the actual scenarios we may find ourselves in. Choices are very different if we come from a present moment mindset, rather than an unknown.

While I have control when I’m fishing, I don’t ever have total control. I can be skilled in putting on the bait and reeling in the fish, but I can’t control what, if anything, I catch or how long it will take. I don’t worry about that though. I simply enjoy the hobby of fishing, the feeling of being on the boat, spending time in nature and the ability to unplug from the world of technology.

When you live in the present, you have the opportunity to process what is right before you rather than what might be and actually enjoy the journey and not be fearful of what’s ahead.

When things come up, you can figure out how to deal with them, but until then, focus on the task you are doing at that exact moment.

If you’re watching a show on Netflix, allow yourself to get lost in it.

If you are outside running around with the kids, pay attention to the warm weather and the blooming flowers.

Living in the present is freeing. Give yourself permission to receive the gift of the present.

If you want to talk more about future casting and living in the present, reach out to me for a complementary call.


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