Opportunity Or Obstacle

Earlier this week, I had the great pleasure of presenting an Opportunity or Obstacle workshop to a great group of leaders who are eager to positively influence change within and for those that they work with.

They did it! They were, present, fully engaged, and because they accepted the growth challenge, they now have a few new tools and skills to simplify their day!

A few nuggets on what we powered through.

How are we showing up when we perceive something as an obstacle in our day – Traffic jam – employee complaints – employee call ins – production schedule changes – shipping schedules change –

Some might react like an angry dinosaur, while it gets the attention of everyone, it not the kind of attention, outcome or results anyone is looking for. Even for ourselves. We can be left frustrated and resentful to how we reacted in the moment.

We all know that how we react to and interact with others can have a significant influence on outcomes, however, it can be tough when faced with in the moment situations that need our response.

The good news is we get to decide each moment how we are going to react or respond to a situation.

Albert Einstein said - "Problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them."

This is so very true! It's about shifting our energy up to where solutions reside, and the solution is inevitable.

Slowing down and tuning into and moving towards where solutions and opportunities are found.

We discussed 5 potential choices of viewing obstacles or opportunities depending on how you choose to see it.

1. Hide from it - because that always works... Not!
2. Muscle our way through like an angry dinosaur - Culture tank..
3. Find the quick easy solution. Um hmmm...
4. Create a winning solution for some.. ugh! What about the rest of the team members?
5. Dig into the obstacle and find the opportunity for the win win.. Recognizing that on the other side of the obstacle there's a vast opportunity and it can serve a great purpose to everyone involved.

Now some circumstances may not always be under our control, but we can train ourselves to have the ability to change how to think about obstacles and respond as win win opportunity.

Who doesn't love choices. Right!
If you would like to develop a leadership style that positively influences change within and those you work with, schedule a free one-on one call today.

Simplify your day and leave the stress behind!


Future Casting


Catabolic And Anabolic Energy: The 2 Forces That Create Your World